About Young Audiences of San Diego Young Audiences of San Diego, is the San Diego affiliate of the national Young Audiences network of 32 chapters and affiliates. Young Audiences of San Diego (YASD) provides age appropriate programs in music, theater, dance and visual art in schools throughout San Diego County. Since 1963, YASD’s professional performing and visual artists have enabled hundreds of thousands of students to experience many of the world’s cultural legacies, ranging from Brazil’s infectious samba rhythms, to the ethereal tones of the Japanese koto, to the swagger of Chicano street theater, to the enchantment of ballerinas dancing “The Nutcracker.” From solo and ensemble lecture demonstrations, to individual classroom workshops involving dance, mime, or storytelling, to multi-week residencies in design and mural painting, Young Audiences artists share the critical elements of the arts of many cultures with students and teachers alike. More information on YASD can be found at www.yasandiego.org. | ||